Calendar and Contact sync with Microsoft
  • 08 Jan 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Calendar and Contact sync with Microsoft

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Article summary

As of October 2022, Microsoft will be retiring Basic Authentication on which Infracom’s previous Calendar and Contact sync with Office 365 is built on. We now support Modern Authentication, read how to set i up below. If you've got a local Exchange server and want to use Basic Authentication, see Sync with local Exchange server.

1. Sync with Office 365

In order to change or set up the required authentication type to Modern Authentication, consent as administrator, has to be given from within our poral.

Go to your Company -> Miscellaneous -> Integrations settings in your Infinity portal

Rectangle  Description automatically generated

Click on the EWS_Office_365 button or when setting it up for the first time choose Microsoft Office 365 as EWS version

OBS: Note the Consent as admin button, click the button.

A new page will open with a login page to Microsoft Office365.  Log in with your Administrator credentials to you Microsoft Office 365 and then accept the permissions needed.

Text, letter  Description automatically generated

Once this has been done your portal should look like this:

Continue to set up the users in our portal as in Point 3  

2. Sync with your local Exchange server

Calendar / Contact syncing

To get started with syncing the calendar and contacts to Infinity, you need to configure a couple of things in Exchange and put the account information in our portal. As a customer, you need to create a service account with the application implementation role in your Office365, which is then added to our portal.  The service account itself then needs Review rights to the calendar and contacts entered through PowerShell to the Exchange Server. In our portal, you then need to add trigger words in the profiles for the users and add an Exchange alias.

Create a service account

Log in to Exchange admin as an administrator and navigate to USERS -> Active Users

Add a new user and fill in all the required information. The username is the name of the service account ie. "Service account". Under Roles, add the Exchange administrator as a role and click "Add". The account should have licenses for at least Exchange Online and Sharepoint Online.

Create Impersonate role

Log in to the Exchange Admin Portal

Under ”Permission” -> ”Admin Roles” click ”+” and add a new role and assign a name to it i.e ”ContactCalenderImpersonation”

Under ”Roles” click  ”+” again and choose ”ApplicationImpersonation”, add and click OK.

When done, go to "Members" and select the user who has admin rights in your Exchange Server created during step one and press OK.
Press "Save" in the "Role Group" window. You can now see the role in the list.

Review permissions

To connect the exchange server with Cellip’s Calendar / Contacts service, run a couple of commands in PowerShell as the local Exchange admin.
To check the rights in an account, you can use:

Get-MailboxFolderPermission . first name surname:\calendar            (or: contacts)

Then enter permissions to the newly created account via:

(Get-Mailbox -recipienttypedetails usermailbox) | Foreach-Object {Add- MailboxFolderPermission $_":\Contacts" -User (SipAddress to created account) -AccessRights Reviewer}

(Get-Mailbox -recipienttypedetails usermailbox) | Foreach-Object {Add- MailboxFolderPermission $_":\Calendar" -User (SipAddress to created account) -AccessRights Reviewer}

Then check it by running, for example:

Get-MailboxFolderPermission first namen. surname:\calender

Note that a new line has now been added where the created service account gets the "Review" right for this user's calendar.

Add to Infinity portal

In order for your Exchange Server to be able to sync with our platform, you must create an integration with it through the UC Portal.

Go to "Integrations" in the left menu in the portal and press "Create New"

Fill in the required information:

(NB: This is a demo for for Exchange Online, you will need to fill in your username and password with your Service Account that was created before and fill in your own domain name)

Click ”Save

3. Add Exchange alias and trigger

Log in to the web portal as portal administrator and under the user enter the user's email address
under Exchange Alias.  

OBS: When using Modern Authentication (Part 1) the users Exchange Alias needs to be the same as the users Primary SMTP-address in Exchange ! 

Do not forget to always click save and then on Apply PBX Changes at the top left menu list

Add trigger for calendar sync

In order for it to be loaded correctly from your Exchange Server, you need to fill in Triggers in the user's Profile, which then triggers the behaviour by having these words in the subject line for that event in the Calendar. These must be uploaded to all users who will use Calendar sync.
Either the administrator or the user can add Trigger Words to the portal. Press "Add" for each new word to be added and do not forget to press "Save".

Standard Triggers:



Gone for the day

Gone for the day; GFD


Lunch; LUN


Meeting; MÖT


Holiday; HOL



Do not disturb

Do not disturb; DND

Temporarily unavailable

Temporarily unavailable; UTE



Away on business

Away on business; TJR

On leave

On leave; TJL

Out of office

Out of office

Partental leave

Parental leave


Calender sync status has a higher priority then our Link Precense to Profile service; meaning that it will override the profilesettings there.


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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.