Your Profile Page
  • 04 Feb 2025
  • 1 Minute to read

Your Profile Page

Article summary

You can find your own profile page in the app by clicking on “Main Menu → Profile Picture.” Here, you can update and edit your personal information. If you have a mobile subscription from Infracom, you can also view your data usage and with the right permissions, easily top up with more data if needed.

Edit Your Profile

Profile Picture
To change your profile picture, click on your current profile picture (Avatar). You can either select an existing image from your phone or take a new one by clicking on the Camera button. Once you upload or take a new photo, it will become selectable in your image library. For the app to manage your pictures, you need to grant it the necessary permissions. See more information about permissions.

Tags are descriptive words such as title, location, skills, etc. These tags are searchable by your colleagues. To create a new tag, click on "New Tag" and to delete a tag, click on it and select "Delete".

What am I doing now?
Here, you can update your status to quickly and easily inform your colleagues about what you're currently doing. Adding a new note here will make it visible to your colleagues in Infinity Mobile. If you want to see your colleagues' notes directly in your Favorites List, you need to enable this feature in the settings.

Contact Information
If you need to change or add new contact details, click on “New number” and select the type of contact detail, either email or phone number. Contact details you have added yourself can also be deleted by “long-pressing” the phone number/email and selecting “Delete.”

Har du ett mobil abonnemang från Infracom visas det även på din profilsida, klicka på det för mer information. Här visas din nuvarande dataanvändning, SIM-kortsnummer samt när abonnemanget skapades.

If you have a mobile subscription from Infracom, it will be displayed on your profile page. Click on it for more information. Here, you can see your current data usage, SIM card number, and the date your subscription was created.

You can also top up your data here by clicking the respective button for data refill. Please note that the cost of the top-up will be charged to your subscription.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.