- 17 Jun 2024
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Publish on homepage
- Updated on 17 Jun 2024
- 1 Minute to read
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Once your chat widget configuration is complete, you're ready to test it and then publish on your website. To publish, you need a "deploy tag" (the html-code tag). You get this by clicking the "Generate Deploy Tag" button, copying the entire string, and pasting it in the appropriate place in your website's code.

Test your widget
A good tip is to test your widget before publishing it. The easiest way is to run your widget on a local website (HTML file) where you insert your deploy tag. Download the example file below and place your deploy tag in the "header" of the page.
Edit the file in a suitable text editor, copy and paste your deploy tag here:

Then open the file in a web browser and your chat widget should appear in the lower right corner.
Changing Settings
If you change branding or other settings in your widget, you do not need to update and paste in your deploy tag again. All changes take effect immediately. If the changes do not take effect, it's likely because your browser has cached colors, images, etc. You can either clear the cache in your browser or try starting a chat.