Infinity Desktop Quickguide
  • 22 Nov 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Infinity Desktop Quickguide

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Article summary

The Infinity Desktop app for enables you to handle and simplify your communication with colleagues and contacts.

Group 1202

The app consists of many modules, here's a few of them:

1. Current call

2. Contacts

3. Queue Details

4. Side Menu

5. Search / Call field

Current Call

Understand and handle your ongoing calls. This panel will only show when you have an active call.

In current call you find name, calling number, talk time and name of contact in the integrated system, if connected with an integration

You can automatically or manually open the customer card in your CRM. 

Read more about Integrations.

The panel displays a dynamic timeline of the current call to give you the history of the call so you know if it's a direct call or an call transferred to you. It also gives you a heads up if the caller has been waiting in queue for a long time. Each step in the timeline is represented with one of the below icons, relative timestamp and a helping text.

IVR - Voice menu played

IVR - Voice menu choice

 Call answered by colleague

 Group - call arrived in Queue

Warning - SLA breached in queue    

 Blind transfer

Attended transfer

Return transfer - Agent didn't pick up call


More - If events exceeds 9

The same Dynamic Timeline can also be shown in the Call history when a call has ended.


In Users you can see your coworkers active profile (available, busy, in a meeting et.c.) from the telephone system. 

This helps making a decision how you should contact the coworker in question. 

Queue Details

In the Queues panel you will find your organizations call queues listed with their current status.

In this view you can see how many callers that are waiting in queue right now, how many Agents that can handle callers, average wait time and your call queues service level as of given moment. You will also be able to forward or call or transfer calls to your queues.

Tip: Name your queues so you and your colleagues know what they work with in that queue.

Queue history

For each queue there is a tab with the call history of the queue. Missed calls can be expanded by clicking them and you can make a note about the call and mark the missed call as handled. This way your colleagues know that you have already taken care of the missed call.

Side Menu

In the Side Menu you set your own status, and can also find other functionality such as:


Call History



Automations & Integrations



Call Flow Control

Search / Call

Here's the place where you enter the number you would like to dial, or to filter Contacts and Queues depending on which tab you've chosen. It will filter on name, number, tags or whatever might match the contact you are looking for.

Tip: If you don't find who you are looking for but know the number, you can type the number in the search field and get it as an option in your Contacts section.

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