Teams Voicemail
  • 18 May 2022
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Teams Voicemail

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Article summary

Teams Voicemail

Voicemail in Teams can cause problems when the agents in a Response Group have this activated.

The agent’s voicemail, if activated, can start to “steal” the incoming calls to the Response Group.

To avoid this, we recommend that one turns of the voicemail functions for all agents.

This can be done either through the Teams Admin Centre or through Power Shell.

Teams Admin Center:

Under Voice -> Calling policies choose Voicemail is available for routing inbound call and set it to Not Enabled. Save the change.

Remember to choose the Calling policy that the agents use or create a new one for only the agents to use.

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Power Shell:

Connect to your Office 365 tenant via Power Shell and use this command:

Set-CsTeamsCallingPolicy -Identity Global -Allowvoicemail AlwaysDisabled

Remember to choose the correct Calling policy or create a new one.

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