Set Language
  • 03 Dec 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Set Language

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Article summary

With Set Language, you can change the language of the built-in audio in the PBX, such as the audio files played in your voicemail. By combining the language change feature with the Caller ID Route function, you can configure all calls from England to switch to English, calls from Denmark to switch to Danish and so on.

Create a language change

The feature can be found under “Company → PBX → PBX misc. → Set Language”. Start by setting a descriptive name, then select the desired language and finally choose the destination.

In the example below, the language is switched to English before the call is routed to the user Joe Doe. If Joe does not answer and the call goes to his voicemail, the voicemail message will be played in English.

Available Languages

  • Swedish (male or female)

  • Danish

  • English

  • Dutch*

  • Finnish*

  • French*

  • German*

  • Italian*

  • Norwegian*

  • Spanish*

*Not fully complete

Activate for Incoming Numbers

The final step is to activate the function for the incoming number assigned to the user Joe Doe (from the example above). Click on Numbers under “Company → PBX → Numbers”, search for the user's incoming number, and set the destination to “Set Language → To English”.

Then, click Save.

Don't forget to synchronize the changes with the PBX.

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