Hotkeys with Communicator
  • 12 Mar 2025
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Hotkeys with Communicator

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Article summary

With hotkeys you can use your keyboard to perform the most frequent commands in the Communicator. This can save time and also give your mousing hand a break. Below you can find a list of hotkey commands divided into different use cases.



Activate Search fieldCtrl + FMakes the Call/Search field active
Contacts TabCtrl + 1Switching to Contacts Tab
Chat TabCtrl + 2Switching to Chat Tab
Queues TabCtrl + 3Switching to Queues Tab
Calls TabCtrl + 4If call is active, shows more info about it
Switch Selected ResultTab / Shift TabSwitch between selected Contact/Queue
Side MenuAlt + 1-9Takes you to different views in the side menu


Call selected numberCtrl +Command to call selected numer
Call selected ContactEnterMaking a Call to the Selected Contact/Queue
Call selected Contacts HomeCtrl + HMaking a Call to the Home Number of the Selected Contact
Call selected Contacts MobileCtrl + MMaking a Call to the Cell Number of the Selected Contact
Call selected Contacts WorkCtrl + WMaking a Call to the Work Number of the Selected Contact
Answer incoming CallAlt + EnterCommand for answering incoming call
Hangup CallAlt + BackspaceCommand for ending an ongion call
Selected Contact InformationCtrl + ISee more information about selected Contact
Hold / Unhold Active CallAlt + HPutting the Active Call on hold/unhold


Direct Transfer to selected Contact/QueueAlt + →Transfering the call normally to the selected Contact/Queue
Attended Transfer to selected ContactCtrl + →Transfering the call attended to the selected Contact
Rejoin or Transfer an Attended TransferR(ejoin) / T(ransfer)When making an Attended Transfer. Decide if you want to Rejoin the initial call, or transfer it
Set call on Wait to busy userCtrl + Alt + →If a user is busy, you can set the Call on Wait until ther user is free. If the user doesn't answer, you will get the call in return


Send SMS to Selected ContactCtrl + SOpens the SMS view with the selected Contacs Cell number automatically inserted as Reciepent
Send the SMSCtrl + EnterSends the SMS you have typed with the above shortcut
Open Chat with selected ContactCtrl + EnterWhen a contact is selected, use this command to quickly open a chatsession



Activate Search fieldCmd + FMakes the Call/Search field active
Contacts TabCmd + 1Switching to Contacts Tab
Chat TabCmd + 2Switching to Chat Tab
Queues TabCmd + 3Switching to Queues Tab
Calls TabCmd + 4If call is active, shows more info about it
Switch Selected ResultTab / Shift TabSwitch between selected Contact/Queue
Side MenuOption + 1-9Takes you to different views in the side menu


Call selected ContactEnterMaking a Call to the Selected Contact/Queue
Call selected Contacts HomeCmd + HMaking a Call to the Home Number of the Selected Contact
Call selected Contacts MobileCmd + MMaking a Call to the Cell Number of the Selected Contact
Call selected Contacts WorkCmd + WMaking a Call to the Work Number of the Selected Contact
Answer incoming CallOption + EnterCommand for answering incoming calls
Hangup CallOption + BackspaceCommand for ending a ongoing call
Selected Contact InformationCmd + ISee more information about selected Contact
Hold / Unhold Active CallOption + HPutting the Active Call on hold/unhold


Direct Transfer to selected Contact/QueueOption + →Transfering the call normally to the selected Contact/Queue
Attended Transfer to selected ContactCmd + →Transfering the call attended to the selected Contact
Rejoin or Transfer an Attended TransferR(ejoin) / T(ransfer)When making an Attended Transfer. Decide if you want to Rejoin the initial call, or transfer it
Set call on Wait to busy userCmd + Option + →If a user is busy, you can set the Call on Wait until ther user is free. If the user doesn't answer, you will get the call in return


Send SMS to Selected ContactCmd + SOpens the SMS view with the selected Contacts Cell number automatically inserted as Reciepent
Send the SMSCmd + EnterSends the SMS you have typed with the above shortcut
Open Chat with selected ContactCmd + EnterWhen a contact is selected, use this command to quickly open a chatsession

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