Microsoft Teams Direct Routing setup
  • 16 Apr 2024
  • 10 Minutes to read
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Microsoft Teams Direct Routing setup

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Article summary


To get started with Microsoft Teams via Infracom, you need to configure a few things first in your Office 365 Admin Centre. This manual goes through all the necessary steps that need to be done by the customer after Infracom has recieved the order and Infracom Delivery has come into contact with the customer. 

Every customer gets a unique so-called SBC- name from Infracom Delivery, this SBC- name will be used in both the Office 365 Admin Centre and in the Teams Admin Centre (TAC) throughout the manual. Where it says sbcaxxxx in the manual replace it with the unique SBC name assigned to you, do not forget it.

OBS: As Microsoft can change or add new features and functions this is can be seen as a simple reference guide only and differences can occur. We try to keep the manual as up to date as possible but always check with Microsoft's own documentation.


As a customer, you need to add a new domain to Office 365, this domain is then linked to an SBC (Session Border Controller) at Infracom. This, along with some rules and policies and the right licenses in Office 365, makes phone calls in Microsoft Teams possible.

Please note that we will be using the TAC for most things, but everything can be done via PowerShell as well (See Appendix 1)

 Before you start the set-up ensure that you have:

a) the correct licenses regarding Microsoft365 for each user, including the Microsoft Teams Phone Standard licence (see Step 5)

b) all users that are to use Teams Direct Routing are hosted online and are set as "TeamsOnly" (see Step 6)

1. Add a New Domain in Office 365 

Add a new domain in Office 365 with the same name as the SBC name you received from Infracom.

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Click Add domain.

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Enter the name of the domain you received from Infracom, in the format, then click Next.

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To verify the domain, send the value for TXT value: to Infracom before proceeding. Infracom sets up the verification code in their DNS.

Once Infracom has given the clear sign, the domain can be verified by clicking Verify. Do not click on Verify before Infracom has given its clear sign!

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Note: Uncheck all selections before clicking Next.

The domain is now ready.

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2. Create an SBC user in the New Domain 

Create a user in each new domain. This user will not be used and is only needed to activate Teams in the new domain. There is no requirement for a specific name for the user, only that the user is part of the domain just created. The user should have an active Skype for Business Online (Plan 2) license which can be found in a Microsoft 365 Business or Enterprise plan.

For example:

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Check that the user has Skype for Business Online (Plan 2) under Licenses and apps

This user can then be deleted once everything is set up and working (in- and out-going calls).


3. Pair Teams together with the Infracom SBC 

To pair the customers Office 365 together with Infracom’s phone infrastructure access your Teams Admin Centre with full administrative rights (min. Teams Administrator) and go to the Voice Menu on the left side, choose Direct Routing.

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Add a new SBC (note the customer unique sbcaxxxx name) by pressing Add. 

Enter the SBC FQDN (sbcaxxxx) name received by Infracom, add a description as well as change the SBC settings as shown below:

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OBS: Note that the sbcaxxx name should be exchanged to the one received by Infracom. 

Leave the remaining settings as they are. Once applied the settings will be visible under SBCs


4. Create a Voice Route and Policy PSTN Usage 

To make a call, a PSTN usage rule and a Voice route policy are required. 

Click the Voice Route field next to the SBCs field and click Add

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Fill out the information needed as below:

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Under SBCs enrolled click Add SBCs and choose the SBC created in the step above (example:

Under PSTN usage records click Add PSTN usage and click Add and add a new PSTN usage record called Infracom International.

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Save and apply

Once this is done a new VoiceRoutingPolicy needs to be added. 

In the TAC menu go to Voice -> Voice routing policies and Add a new policy, use the information below:

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Add the just created PSTN usage record by clicking the Add PSTN usage and choosing Infracom International. Apply


5. Activate users for Microsoft Phone System and Teams Telephony

In your Office 365 Admin Centre check these:


For country codes to be dialled when making calls from the Teams client, Office 365 country settings need to match the country code of the phone number given to the user. If, for example, you have a Swedish “+46” number the location in Office 365 (under Product licenses) needs to be Sweden. This setting is found under the Users in your Office365 Admin Centre.

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Users who are expected to call via Teams need to be homed Online. If you have questions about what licenses are needed for your Teams users contact our salesperson or ask your Microsoft Licensing Provider.

To use Teams telephony, users need the Microsoft Teams Phone Standard license in Microsoft Office 365. This is included in the E5 plan and can be purchased for all the other Microsoft Office plans as a separate license. Check that these are activated under Licenses and Apps for each user. 


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OBS: Make sure that the user licenses are applied to the users before this step! 

To add or change users go to Users -> Manage Users in your TAC.

Here you should be able to see your current active users listed. Click on the Display Name of one of them to see further information. 

Under the Account information click Edit next to General information

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Set the Phone number type as: Direct Routing and add the designated number for the user under Assigned Phone number in form of: “+CountryCodeandnumber” (ie. +468xxxxxxxx) and Apply.

One also needs to assign a Voice Routing Policy to the user by going in under the users Policies.

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Here one can see all the assigned policies for the user. Click on Edit and change the Voice routing policy to the policy added in the Step 4 called: Infracom-No Restrictions. Apply.

This way all users will be calling per default via the Global Teams Calling policy. See the TAC under Voice -> Calling policies -> Global. It is on this policy things like “Busy-on-Busy” settings can be set.

If you want to further control users and functionality, we recommend creating a new Teams Calling Policy in the TAC under Voice -> Calling Policies where you for example set “Busy on Busy” as enabled as well as maybe other settings.  Remember that this policy must then be changed/set for all the users that you want to use this new policy with.


6. Teams Upgrade “Teams Only” vs. “Islands”:

To use Teams Direct Routing, users need to be in the Teams Only mode as “Islands” mode together with Direct Routing no longer is supported by Microsoft.

This can be set either per user or globally in Microsoft Teams Admin Centre:

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If you already are using Teams or are coming from a Skype for Business solution check that you are set to Teams Only already, to be able to use our service.

New Teams customers should have Teams Only as standard set globally already.

If you cannot set all Company to Teams Only check that you have the correct DNS settings for your tenant domain for Microsoft Office Online.


7. Short Number Normalization

For utilizing short number calling through Infracoms Teams service changes need to be applied to the Teams DailPlan in Office365
Access the Teams Admin Centre as an administrator through your Office 365 Admin Portal. Once logged in go to Voice -> Dial plans


Mark the Global Dial Plan and click Add

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Once this is done a new Window opens, go to Normalization rules, and click on Add again:

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A new window will open on the right side where one can add information for the new rules, mark Advanced

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Give the name as: nr1 and the description as: Untouched 2 digits

Then for If conditions put the regular expression: ^(\d{2})$

Under Then do this write: $1

For the test put in two digits and see that this is translated correct and save the new rule.

Repeat the procedure for the following rules:

Name            Description                      If               Then

Nr2         Untouched 3 digits       ^(\d{3})$          $1

Nr3         Untouched 4 digits       ^(\d{4})$          $1

in the end your Global Dial Plan Normalization Rules should look like this:

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Remember to press Save at the bottom of the page.

You now have added Normalization Rules for your Teams dialling to handle two, three and four number digits.



Question: Will all users automatically be activated for telephony via Microsoft Teams after following this manual?

Answer: No. Only the users you assigned phone numbers and policies to in this manual will be able to use telephony in Microsoft Teams. 


Question: Will it also be possible to call with Skype for Business with this set-up?

Answer: No. This applies only to Microsoft Teams.


Question: The phone icon does not appear in the Team Client, what's wrong?

Answer: Make sure all configuration is done according to the manual and all needed licenses are applied for the user. Wait until the next day, then the icon should appear.


Question: I have the phone icon but cannot make or receive calls, what's wrong?

Answer: Make sure you have the correct phone number in Teams, visible at the Dial Pad. Make sure the configuration is correct and wait 24 hours. If it is still not working - contact Infracom Support.


Question: What license do I need in Office 365 to make calls with Microsoft Teams?

Answer: Any Microsoft plan together with the Microsoft Teams Phone Standard License is required. Microsoft Teams Phone is included in the E5 Plan. Otherwise, a Microsoft 365 Business (Basic, Standard, Premium) or E plan together with the mentioned Microsoft Teams Phone license.


Question: Does telephony work in the free version of Teams, Microsoft Teams free?

Answer: No. Telephony in Microsoft Teams only works with the Enterprise version of Teams.


Question: We have a Skype On-Prem Hybrid set up, will this work?

Answer: This will work if the users that want to have Teams calling ability are all members of a Skype pool in Office 365, thus not homed to a local Server or On-Prem pool but online.


Appendix 1 – PowerShell to Office 365

All the above can also be done via PowerShell on a more granular level. 

Note! Worth thinking about is that PowerShell is a very powerful tool and wrongly used, it can very easily cause great damage, always follow documentation carefully. If you do something else, you should be very sure about what you are doing.

Here is a list of commands that can be used once you have connected to Office365 for setting things up running PowerShell:

New-CsOnlinePSTNGateway -Fqdn -SipSignalingPort 5061 -MaxConcurrentSessions 100 -Enabled $true -ForwardCallHistory $true -ForwardPai $true

Verify with: Get-CSOnlinePSTNGateway

Set-CsOnlinePstnUsage -Identity Global -Usage @{Add="Infracom-International"}

New-CsOnlineVoiceRoute -Identity "Infracom-International" -NumberPattern "\d+" -OnlinePstnGatewayList -OnlinePstnUsages "Infracom-International"

New-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy -Identity "Infracom-No Restrictions" -OnlinePstnUsages "Infracom-International”

Verify with: Get-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy

Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -Identity user@domain -PhoneNumber +46xxxxxx -PhoneNumberType "DirectRouting"

Grant-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy -Identity -PolicyName "Infracom-No Restrictions”

Grant-CsTeamsCallingPolicy -PolicyName “BusyonBusy” -Identity namn@domä   (”BusyonBusy” is an example name for a new Calling Policy)

OBS: Remember not to just cut and paste these commands as some information is not always transferred correctly and to check with Microsoft documentation for updated PowerShell information. 



When using Infracom's Response Groups make sure that the agents in the group do not have Teams Voicemail enabled.  To make sure that this is the case one can go to the TAC -> Voice -> Calling Polices.  Choose the Calling Policy that your users use (default is Global) or create a new one for the users that are acting as agents in your Response Group and set the: "Voicemail is available for routing inbound calls" to Not enabled


 This can also be done with PowerShell :

Set-CsTeamsCallingPolicy -Identity Global -Allowvoicemail AlwaysDisabled

(OBS: The example above is for changing the Global Calling Policy) 

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