Quick guide Infinity Portal
  • 09 Nov 2021
  • 15 Minutes to read
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Quick guide Infinity Portal

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Article summary

An Infinity administrator will have access to a web portal to control the switchboard. In the portal, you can decide exactly what the switchboard should look like and what functions users in the company should have access to.

Infinity is available at https://infinity.infracom.se/

Create an IVR with Opening Hours

We will now create an IVR that our customers call in and via key selection choose whether they want to talk to the support or sales.

Start by going to PBX -> Interactive Voice Response

Then choose to create a new one by the "+ Create new" then name the IVR IVR-Support-Salj

You can then decide what should happen if no one chooses a choice before the "timeout" has expired. You can also choose what happens if you select an option that is not configured.

You select the audio file to be played when you enter the IVR. You can also choose how many times it should be repeated if you do not press any selection.

You must then create the choices you want the menu to have and where these should be sent. You do this under Destinations “Create new”. Create two options 1 and 2 which we will later send to Support and Sale (for now you can set them to "busy").

Make sure to Save your settings.

We want the menu to be open between 08:00 - 17:00 on weekdays to make it happen, we need to go to the menu "Time-based routing (TBR)"

Choose a name we can call the TR_IVR-Support-Sales under "Destination if no match", you can enter an audio file that indicates your Opening Hours (you can also use this to build more complicated structures and send it to another IVR menu if you want).

It is important to now add a destination to the time rule so it knows what to do during opening hours we add a rule to send the call to our IVR IVR support-Sales

In the calendar, we now add a schedule for each working day.

First we select Start and then End

We choose repeat weekly.

We mark all days of the week.

Select PBX -> PSTN Number and select a number in the right box. When you connect a number, keep in mind that you do not want to connect it directly to IVR but to the time-based routing rule you have created so IVR is not always open. You can see the call flow for a number and get an understanding of how a call to the number will be handled.

To test opening hours, you can first call in and check to hear the audio file for IVR and then change the schedule to close the IVR and call again to check that the audio file for opening hours is played. However, remember to set the time back as you want it later. We now proceed to set up IVR Options 1 and 2.

Create a ring group

For Choice 2, it must go to the sales department. We have two people in the sales department that should get calls and they are not always able to take calls so we do not want a queue but a ring group that calls them simultaneous and then goes to a common voicemail if they do not answer the call.

Go to PBX -> Ring groups

Create ring gorup “Sales”, select ring time (how long it should ring).

The following choices are available

Confirm calls, Skip busy and Answered elsewhere

Confirm call - The agent receiving the call must confirm that they want to take the call before it is sent.

Skip busy - Do not call a user who is busy on another call.

Answered elsewhere – The call is answered elsewhere, do not record missed calls on the phone (if it supports answered elsewhere in CANCEL)

Under added users, we add our two people in sales department that should receive the calls.

Do not forget to save. Go back to IVR and now choose that at option two it will be sent to the new ring group you created.

If we now call in to our IVR and then press 2, the call will go to these two users and then be sent to voicemail if they do now answer. We have created a voicemail for the call group by creating a new user which we called Voicemail Sales_No_Teams. We send all voicemail messages to ringgroupsales@infracom.com which is an e-mail alias that points to the emails of the two in the ring group.

Create a queue

For option 1 in the IVR it should go to support. The support have two agents who will answer the calls. They are always in place and if you call in, you should end up in a queue that calls the agent who has waited the longest for a call.

Go to PBX -> Queues

Create a queue and name it to Queue Support. Enter 400 as the queue number. For more explanations about this and other queue options, see section 6. Queue in-depth study.

In the section Queue options -> Strategy, you choose how to call the queue. There are many different choices to get just the right behavior. We do not go through these in this document. Do not forget to add the users you want to answer the queue.

We now go back to IVR-Support sales and enter two destinations for option 1 Queue Support and for option 2 the ring group Sales and saves.

The queue number 400 that we selected in Queue Support can be used to call the queue or transfer callers to this number to place them in the queue.

Agents will dial this queue number plus * to log in to the queue, this queue number plus ** to log out of the queue and this queue number plus *** to answer the first calling call in this queue.

For example, if the queue number is 123:

123 * = log in

123 ** = log out

123 *** = pickup.

If you have an Infinty softphone or Microsoft Teams bot Astrid, this is handled by clients without a calling this short number.

Manage opening hours on holidays

Suppose you want to handle certain days in a special way like Christmas day.

You can then go to PBX -> Time Based Routing

Create a new TR_IVR-Support-Sale_holiday and choose that in case of no match it should go to the time rule for IVR-Support-Sale. We will then, when we are ready, choose to let our centrex number go to this time rule first to check if it is a holiday and if it is not, it will be forwarded to the time rule we did before.

You can in the schedule enter different destinations for different holidays if you want to play different audio files or handle it differently like have a separate message for Easter.

Remember to always create a destination on the TBR as well so that you can select it in TBR destination in the dialog when you create the schedule.

Settings on users

There is number of settings that the administrator can change and that a user cannot change.


Settings for whether a voicemail should be active on the user, voicemail password, whether voicemail should be sent via e-mail, mobile number to send SMS notification to that a new voicemail has been received and whether the voicemail should be automatically deleted when sent by e-mail.

Records calls

As an administrator, you can decide whether all calls should always be recorded, whether the user should be able to record calls in e.g. the communicator or if they should never record calls. You can control incoming, outgoing, and queue calls.

If you are logged in as an administrator, you will be able to see and manage all recordings made by going to the menu options, Int. Recordings and Ext. Recordings.

Select which numbers the user can display when making outbound calls

You do this by going to “Outbound Numbers” on the user and choosing which numbers the customer should be allowed to show when he makes outbound calls. The user then sets which number he want to display in the communicator or mobile app.


If you are going to work with profiles (lunch, meeting, etc.), we recommend that you take the time to set up a user in a "default way", i.e. do you always want to hear a prompt "The person you are looking for is in a meeting back at XXX" and then send it to voicemail. Set the selection to a user and then use Copy Profiles to copy the default set to all users. The user can then change if the user wants something that differs from the standard.

Queue settings

Queues can be controlled in many different ways. Below is an explanation of all the different choices that can be made.

Queue number:

Use this number to dial into the queue or transfer callers to this number to place them in the queue.

Agents will dial this queue number plus * to log in to the queue, this queue number plus ** to log out of the queue and this queue number plus *** to answer the first calling call in this queue.

For example, if the queue number is 123:

123 * = log in

123 ** = log out

123 *** = pickup.

Failover destination

Destination when the queue is full (max caller, join empty) or after timeout (max waiting time).

6.1 Queue options


ringall: ring all available agents until one answers (default)

leastrecent: ring agent which was least recently called by this queue

fewestcalls: ring the agent with fewest completed calls from this queue

random: ring random agent

rrmemory: round robin with memory, remember where we left off last ring pass

rrordered: same as rrmemory, except the queue member order from config file is preserved

linear: rings agents in the order specified, for dynamic agents in the order they logged in

wrandom: random using the member penalty as a weighting factor.

Max callers:

Maximum number of people waiting in the queue.

Max wait time:

The maximum number of seconds a caller can wait in a queue before being pulled out (0 for unlimited).

Music on hold:

Music (MoH) played to the caller while they wait in line for an available agent. MoH Only will play music until the agent answers. Agent Ringing will play MoH until an agent's phone is presented with the call and is ringing. If they don't answer, MoH will return. Ringing makes callers hear a ringing tone instead of MoH. This music is defined in the 'Music on Hold'.


Gives queues a 'weight' option, to ensure calls waiting in a higher priority queue will deliver its calls first if there are agents common to both queues.

Join empty:

Determines if new callers will be admitted to the Queue, if not, the failover destination will be immediately pursued. The options include:

Yes, always allows the caller to join the Queue.

Strict, same as Yes but more strict. Simply speaking, if no agent could answer the phone then don't admit them. If agents are inuse or ringing someone else, caller will still be admitted.

Ultra Strict, same as Strict plus a queue member must be able to answer the phone 'now' to let them in. Simply speaking, any 'available' agents that could answer but are currently on the phone or ringing on behalf of another caller will be considered unavailable.

No, callers will not be admitted if all agents are paused, show an invalid state for their device, or have penalty values less then QUEUE_MAX_PENALTY (not currently set in dialplan).

Leave when empty:

Determines if callers should be exited prematurely from the queue in situations where it appears no one is currently available to take the call. The options include:

Yes, callers will exit if all agents are paused, show an invalid state for their device or have penalty values less then QUEUE_MAX_PENALTY

Strict, same as Yes but more strict. Simply speaking, if no agent could answer the phone then have them leave the queue. If agents are inuse or ringing someone else, caller will still be held.

Ultra Strict, same as Strict plus a queue member must be able to answer the phone 'now' to let them remain. Simply speaking, any 'available' agents that could answer but are currently on the phone or ringing on behalf of another caller will be considered unavailable.

Loose, same as Yes except Callers will remain in the Queue if their are paused agents who could become available.

No, never have a caller leave the Queue until the Max Wait Time has expired.

Skip busy agents:

When set to 'Yes' agents who are on an occupied phone will be skipped as if the line were returning busy. This means that Call Waiting or multi-line phones will not be presented with the call and in the various hunt style ring strategies, the next agent will be attempted.

When set to 'Yes with ring in use' the behavior is to limit an agent belonging to one or more queues to a single queue call. If they are occupied from other calls, such as outbound calls they initiated, the queue will consider them available and ring them since the device state is not monitored with this option.

Auto fill:

If this is checked, and multiple agents are available, the pbx will send one call to each waiting agent (depending on the ring strategy). Otherwise, it will hold all calls while it tries to find an agent for the top call in the queue making other calls wait.

Ring in use:

Ring members when already InUse (prevents multiple calls to an agent).

Call confirm on new external calls:

Forces the user to press 1 after answering the call, before the call is connected. Stop voicemail on cell phones from picking the call.

Service Level:

Used in statistics to determine the service level of the queue (calls answered within the service level time frame).

6.2 Agent options

Agent timeout:

The number of seconds an agent's phone can ring before we consider it a timeout. Unlimited or other timeout values may still be limited by system ringtime or individual extension defaults.

Agent retry:

The number of seconds we wait before trying to call the agent again.

Agent wrapup time:

After a successful call, how many seconds to wait before sending a potentially free agent another call (0 = no delay).

Agent connection delay:

If you wish to have a delay before the member is connected to the caller (or before the member hears any announcement messages), set this to the number of seconds to delay.

Timeout restart:

If timeout restart is set to yes, then the time out for an agent to answer is reset if a BUSY or CONGESTION is received. This can be useful if agents are able to cancel a call with reject or similar.

Answered elsewhere:

Enabling this option, all calls are marked as 'answered elsewhere' when cancelled. The effect is that missed queue calls are *not* shown on the phone (if the phone supports it).

Agent autopause:

Auto pause an agent in this queue (or all queues they are a member of) if they don't answer a call.

Agent autopause delay:

This setting will delay the auto pause of an agent by auto pause delay seconds from when it last took a call. For example, if this were set to 120 seconds, and a new call is presented to the agent 90 seconds after they last took a call, they will not be auto paused if they don't answer the call. If presented with a call 120 seconds or later after answering the last call, they will then be auto paused. If they have taken no calls, this will have no affect.

Agent autopause busy:

When set to Yes agents devices that report busy upon a call attempt will be considered as a missed call and auto paused immediately or after the auto pause delay if configured.

Agent autopause unavail:

When set to Yes agents devices that report congestion upon a call attempt will be considered as a missed call and auto paused immediately or after the auto pause delay if configured.

Unpause autopaused agents:

Automatically un pause all auto paused agents when all agents are paused. This will only un pause auto paused agents.

Unpause agents on new call:

When a new call arrivs, agents that are paused will be unpaused.

Disallow external:

Only users can be logged into the queue.

Callerid postfix for external calls:

When calling an external number (incl MEX), add this to the end of the callerid number. Max 5 digits.

Ignore login/logout from profile change:

'Static' membership, members will not be changed when their profile changes. Settings on profile for devices will be honored.

6.3 Announcements


How often to announce queue position and estimated hold time.

Announce hold time:

Should we include estimated hold time in position announcements? Either yes, no, or only once. Hold time will be announced as the estimated time.

Announce position:

Valid values are 'yes', 'no', 'limit' or 'more'. If set to 'no' then the caller's position will never be announced. If 'yes' then the caller's position in the queue will be announced to the caller. If set to 'more' then if the number of callers is more than the number specified by the announce-position-limit option, then the caller will hear that there are more than that many callers waiting (i.e. if a caller number 6 is in a queue with the announce-position-limit set to 5, then that caller will hear that there are more than 5 callers waiting). If set to 'limit' then only callers within the limit specified by announce-position-limit will have their position announced.

Announce position limit:

If you have specified 'limit' or 'more' for the announce position option, then the following value is what is used to determine what announcement to play to waiting callers. If you have set the announce-position option to anything else, then this will have no bearing on queue operation.

Announce to first user:

If enabled, play announcements to the first user waiting in the Queue. This may mean that announcements are played when an agent attempts to connect to the waiting user, which may delay the time before the agent and the user can communicate.

Skip increased position (β):

Announce only if the position is the same or decreased.

6.4 Periodic announcements


How often to play announcements to the caller.


Play the announcements in random order.


Defines whether the timer starts at the end of file playback (yes) or the beginning (no).


Announcements to play for the caller.

6.5 Breakout menu


Number you can enter in the queue to be sent out of the queue


Destination the call should be sent to when pressing the digit specified above


The sound file to be played when you press the digit specified above

6.6 Advanced menu

Change caller priority time (β):

After how many seconds we should increase the priority of the caller, this will happen until the call is answered or max is reached. 0 disables this feature. Increase will not change the position in the queue, only priority.

Change caller priority step (β):

Increase priority with this amount (normally 1) each time.

Change caller max priority (β):

Increase priority up to this level.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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