Queue Statistics
  • 23 Jan 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Queue Statistics

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Article summary

Overview of statistics in Infinity

Statistics can be found under the Company tab in the portal and in the submenu there are three different choices. This article describes Queue Statistics - New.

Queue statistics - new

Statistics focused on understanding call patterns and streamlining both staffing and call flows. See  below to learn more.

Queuing statistics - old

This statistics module remains primarily for customers who have used it for some time and want the data presented in the same way they are used to.


For those who need to have reports sent to them regularly, read more: Reports.

Queue statistics - new

Report content

The first step is to generate report data. Choose from the following filters to limit the content of the statistics.


Select which queues the statistics will show calls for. If you select more than one queue, the number of calls will be a total in the graphs where a call that passed through more than one queue is represented as multiple calls, e.g. transferred. This is because the statistics retrieve the calls from the perspective of each individual queue and present whether the call was answered or not in that particular queue.


In the user list, you can choose to limit the result based on who answered the calls in the queues. The selection "External" includes the numbers that are added to a queue but do not have a user in the switchboard.

Period, Interval and Weekdays

Here you delimit, in the following order:

  1. Which dates (including selected dates)
  2. The time interval for selected dates 
  3. Which days of the week should be included


When you have selected the content as above, click "Generate" to load the statistics.

Graph settings

In this section you choose how the statistics are displayed. The panel is constantly updated so you can quickly change which values you want to display.

Report type

  • Calls - provides graphs with the number of calls per call type, as well as waiting time and call duration.
  • SLA - provides graphs with the number of calls grouped by whether they met the service level and the service level fulfilment rate.

Graph type

  • Overview - Provides one of each of the following graph types to create an overview and then be able to select any of the types to see more detail.
  • Hourly by day of the week - Shows the distribution of calls throughout the day divided into full hours.
  • Weekday - Shows the distribution of calls between the days of the week. The detail graphs show the different days of the week per hour.
  • Week - Shows the distribution of calls between the included weeks. The detail graphs show the distribution per queue if multiple queues are selected.
  • Monthly - Shows the distribution of calls between included months. The detail graphs show the distribution per queue if multiple queues are selected.

You can also change which call types and times are displayed in the graphs.


Below is an example of the four overview graphs where the selection is filtered as follows:

  • Date: January - February
  • Between 08 and 17
  • All days of the week are included


  • By hovering your mouse over a graph, you can see details of the current measurement point.
  • Click on a call type in the explanation to the right of the graph to filter it out.
  • Download the graphs to share with a colleague

Call specification

This lists all the calls that have been filtered. It is also possible to export to save or work further with the call data, for example in Excel.

Fields in the specification

  • Date & time - when did the call enter the queue
  • Queue - for which queue does the row in the specification apply
  • Agent - which agent answered the call
  • Caller number - from which number the call was made
  • Called number - to which number the call was made
  • Call type - what happened to the call
  • Wait time - how long did the caller wait in the queue
  • Talk time - how long was the call connected to the agent in the queue
  • Queue service level - what service level is currently set on the queue
  • Service level margin - shows by what margin the service level was met or missed, i.e. "queue service level - waiting time". The colour is set         according to:
    • Green: answered within the service level
    • Yellow: answered outside the service level
    • Red: answered after more than double the service level
  • Unique ID (only in export) - the call's unique ID that follows it through the switchboard. You can use this to find out, for example, how many unique calls have been received or have passed through two different queues.

Call details

In the specification, you can click on a call to see all the steps the call has gone through in the switchboard, such as which agents it has called, whether it has been forwarded and much more.

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