Queue reporting in Infinity
  • 21 Sep 2021
  • 6 minuter att läsa
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Queue reporting in Infinity

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This guide will go through the report feature in Infinity. To find the report feature, log in to the Infinity portal and go the menu option “Reports”. If you do not see that menu option please talk to you administrator to give you access.

To create a new report click the “+ Create new” button in the top right corner. You will then be able to decide which report type you want to create.

You start by choosing the report type. The following report types are available:

Company – Calls

Company – Calls inbound

Queue – Calls

Queue – Daily

Queue – Daily per hour

Queue – Member per Queue

Queue – Missed

Queue – SLA

Queue – SLA 15 min

User – Calls and Queue Sum

User – Calls Sum

User – Calls sum (simplified)

For a more detailed explanation of the different types see each section below.

You choose how often you want the report. You can choose between hour, day, week and month.

You can then add arguments to decide how the report should be sent, what format the file should be in and what data should be included in it.

The following different options exist:

Format: format of the downloaded file. You can choose between html, csv, xlxs and pdf (you can add more than one to get different formats).

Email: the email address to send the report to (you can add several email addresses).

“if there’s data”: the report will only be sent if there is any data in the report.

Report language: use en_GB to get English it will default to Swedish.

If you choose a queue report type you also get the argument

Queue: which queue you want the report to cover (you can add one or many queues in the same report).

If you choose a user report type you also get the argument

User: which user should the report include data for (you can add one or many users in the same report).

You can preview or download the report directly on the page and choose what format the file should be in along with the start and end date you want data for.

Report types

Company – Calls

This report contains all calls for the customer. All calls will be listed sorted on the time column.

For each call you get the following columns:

Time: when the calls was made.

A Number: what number was presented.

B Number: the number that was called.

Direction: IN/OUT.


Destination: category of the call. Fixed/mobile and so on.

Call Length: number of seconds the call duration was.

User: if a user made the call or received the call the users name will be presented in this column.

Company – Calls inbound

This report will group calls to a certain number and calculate the following:

Count: number of calls.

Answered: number of calls answered.

No Answer: number of calls not answered.

Busy: number of calls that got a busy signal.

Failed: number of calls that failed.

Min (first appearance): minimum waiting time in seconds.

Max (first appearance): maximum waiting time in seconds.

Average (first appearance): average waiting time in seconds.

Min (second appearance): minimum call time in seconds.

Max (second appearance): maximum call time in seconds.

Average (second appearance): average call time in seconds.

This will be group on period and number and will also be summed up for a total amount.

Queue – Calls

All calls to the queues chosen will be in the report.

The following columns will be present:

Arrived: the time when the call came to the queue.

Answered: the time when the call was answered by agent.

Ended: the time when the call was ended by agent.


Queue Name: the name of the queue.

A Number: the number who called the queue.

B Number: the number that was called by the customer.

Agent: the agent that received the call.

Wait Time: the time the customer waited in queue before agent answered the call.

Call Length: the time the call lasted.

Start Position: where in queue the call first came in.

End Positions: where in queue the call was when the called ended (For example a call with ABANDON the end position is relevant).

Queue – Daily

All calls to a queue group by queue and day.

Columns are for each queue period and the sum are:

Queue: the queue the calls came into to.

Day: the day.

Answered: number of calls answered.

Abandoned: number of calls abandoned.

Min (first appearance): minimum waiting time in seconds.

Max (first appearance): maximum waiting time in seconds.

Average (first appearance): average waiting time in seconds.

Min (second appearance): minimum call time in seconds.

Max (second appearance): maximum call time in seconds.

Average (second appearance): average call time in seconds.


"","","Number of Calls","","Wait Time, Seconds","","","Call Time, Seconds","",""


"Sale (5000)","2020-09-04","1","2","6","6","6","14","14","14"

"Sale (5000)","2020-09-07","4","1","3","19","9","62","383","250"

"Sale (5000)","2020-09-08","6","0","4","16","11","74","1189","368"

"Sale (5000)","2020-09-09","3","1","4","11","8","121","372","230"

"Sale (5000)","2020-09-10","6","1","8","19","13","25","793","281"

"Sale (5000)","Sum","20","5","3","19","10","14","1189","280"

Queue – Daily per hour

This has the same columns as Queue – Daily but it is grouped by hour instead of day.


,"","Number of Calls","","Wait Time, Seconds","","","Call Time, Seconds","",""


”Support (3003)”,”2020-09-10 08:00-08:59","4","0","5","44","27","161","435","161"

”Support (3003)”,”2020-09-10 09:00-09:59","1","0","5","5","5","980","980","980"

”Support (3003)”,”2020-09-10 10:00-10:59","3","0","9","44","24","34","379","34"

”Support (3003)”,”2020-09-10 11:00-11:59","2","2","16","119","68","613","720","613"

”Support (3003)”,”2020-09-10 13:00-13:59","6","1","5","108","37","74","726","74"

”Support (3003)”,”2020-09-10 14:00-14:59","3","0","3","5","4","14","379","14"

”Support (3003)”,”Sum","19","3","3","119","29","14","990","14"

Queue – Member per Queue

This has the same columns as Queue – Daily with the addition of the column agent and it is grouped by each agent as well as period and queue.


"","","","Call Count","Wait Time, Seconds","","","Call Time, Seconds","",""


"Agent name one","Support (6000)","2020-09-10","24","3","52","17","37","926","139"

"Agent name one","Support 2 (7000)","2020-09-10","2","4","9","7","24","73","49"

"Agent name one","Agent sum","","26","3","52","16","24","926","132"

Queue – Missed

All calls that no one answers with the following columns:

Time: the time when the call was received.

Queue: the name of the queue.


Waiting Time: how long the call was in queue.

Called To: the number that was called.

Called From: from which number the customer called.

Queue – SLA

Groups all call for the specified interval and calculates the SLA.

It shows number of calls answered the first 0-60 seconds, 61-90 seconds and after 91 seconds.

Then it calculates the percent of calls answered and unanswered.


"Support (6000)","Total","0 - 60","","61 - 90","","91 - ","","% answered","% unanswered","SLA"









Queue – SLA 15 min

Choosing this report you will get four new options that you can use Service level answered, Service level abandon, Group and Group name.

Group: if it exist it will put all queues in the same table.

Group name: if it exist will determine the name of the left top column.

Service level answered: how many seconds a caller is allowed to wait in Queue to fulfill the service level agreement.

Service level abandon: how many seconds a caller have to wait to be answered before hanging up the call (abandon).

User – Calls and Queue Sum

Will list all users and group all calls but also how a user answers different Queues. This report will give you a complete view of how the users are using the service.

For queue calls to a user.

Received Calls: number of calls received.

Call count: number of calls.

Call Time, Seconds: time of call in seconds.

Time Before Answered, Seconds: time before the call was answered.

Received calls for a user.


Extension: the extension of the user.

Date: date for grouping of calls.

Answered: number of calls answered.

Busy: number of calls that got busy signal.

No Answer: number of calls not answered.

Min (first appearance): minimum call time in seconds.

Max (first appearance): maximum call time in seconds.

Average (first appearance): average call time in seconds.

Min (second appearance): minimum waiting time in seconds.

Max (second appearance): maximum waiting time in seconds.

Average (second appearance): average waiting time in seconds.

Outgoing calls for a user.


"Received Calls","","","Call Count","","","Call Time, Seconds","","","","Time Before Answered, Seconds","",""

"User","Extension","Date","Answered","Busy","No Answer","Min","Max","Average","Sum","Min","Max","Average"

"User X","4840","2020-09-15","6","0","0","44","183","103","620","2","24","13"

"User X","Queue: Customer service (2000)","2020-09-15","3","","","12","56","29","","107","309","203"

"User X","Queue: Economy (3004)","2020-09-15","1","","","10","10","10","","184","184","184"

"User X","Queue: Support (3002)","2020-09-15","1","","","24","24","24","","85","85","85"

"Outgoing Calls","","","Call Count","","","Call Time, Seconds","","","","Time Before Answered, Seconds","",""

"User","Extension","Date","Answered","Busy","No Answer","Min","Max","Average","Sum","Min","Max","Average"

"User X","4840","2020-09-15","5","0","0","2","77","19","97","0","6","2"

User – Calls Sum


"Received Calls (368 listed)","","","Call Count","","","Call Time, Seconds","","","","Time Before Answered, Seconds","","",""

"User","Extension","Date","Total","Answered","Busy","No Answer","Min","Max","Average","Sum","Min","Max","Average"

"User Y","4814","2020-09-15","2","2","0","0","85","324","205","409","0","6","3"

Outgoing Calls (368 listed)","","","Call Count","","","Call Time, Seconds","","","","Time Before Answered, Seconds","","",""

"User","Extension","Date","Total","Answered","Busy","No Answer","Min","Max","Average","Sum","Min","Max","Average"

"User X","4814","2020-09-15","1","1","0","0","165","165","165","165","11","11","11"

User – Calls sum (simplified)

Call statistics for a user in a simplified report.


Outgoing Calls: number of outgoing calls.

Received Calls: number of received calls.

Average Call Time: average call time in format HH:MM:SS.

Total Call Time: total call time in format HH:MM:SS.


"User","Outgoing Calls","Received Calls","Average Call Time","Total Call Time"

"User X","57","0","00:00:29","00:27:41"

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